This month Island Batik Ambassadors were challenged to create anything they wanted...
This fabric line was designed by Jerry Khiev for Jennifer and has beautiful greens, teals, and reds.
and four reds.
There are a lot of pieces in this quilt! I didn't take the time to count them, but you can get an idea from this photo of everything cut out!
To help make everything come out the perfect size, I used several of the Studio 180 Designs rulers to help trim up my units.
I used the Tucker Trimmer and the Square Squared rulers to trim up my center units.
I went back to the Tucker Trimer to trim up my quarter square triangle units.
I also used the corner pop ruler to trim the wings from my corner triangle blocks.
And went back to the tucker trimmer one more time to clean up the half square triangles in my four patch corner blocks.
It it was nice to have the lines on the ruler match up perfect with the angles in my units.
It made trimming super easy and quick.
but let me tell you I love this mini Oliso iron! I ironed the whole quilt top with it. It sits right by my machine and was my perfect companion.
I did use my big Oliso for the backing, but my mini Oliso was the MVP for this project.
Pressing nice crisp seams helped everything line up for perfect points!
It was also time to change out my needle for this project. During my last project I hit a couple pins so I definitely needed a new needle for this project. I put in a new Schmetz 90/14 universal needle and everything sewed out fantastic!
This is a big quilt. The blocks are 12 inches and I have five across and six down. With the borders it measures approximately 68 x 80 inches.
I love how bright and fun this quilt it. The fabrics make these blocks shine!
I've enjoyed following along with this hop! It is fun to see how everyone uses the same fabric in such different ways! There is one more project to show off tomorrow, so make sure to visit Brianna at Sew Cute and Quirky to finish up the hop, and double check the list below to make sure you didn't miss any posts during the week.
And keep an eye on my fellow Island Batik Ambassadors, they will be posting their March projects all this month! Check out the Lumin Fabrics website for a link to all Ambassadors.