Saturday, March 8, 2025

Sunlit Garden Blog Hop and Island Batik March Challenge

This month Island Batik Ambassadors were challenged to create anything they wanted...

and I wanted to help Jennifer of Curliecue Creations show off her new Signature fabric line Sunlit Garden by Lumin Fabrics!  The fabric is hitting stores now!

This fabric line was designed by Jerry Khiev for Jennifer and has beautiful greens, teals, and reds.  

There are 20 prints in the line and Jennifer sent me 12 of them to play with and Lumin Fabrics sent me the white batik to go with it.

I used three teals,

five greens,

and four reds.

There are a lot of pieces in this quilt! I didn't take the time to count them, but you can get an idea from this photo of everything cut out!  

To help make everything come out the perfect size, I used several of the  Studio 180 Designs rulers to help trim up my units.  


I used the Tucker Trimmer and the Square Squared rulers to trim up my center units. 


I went back to the Tucker Trimer to trim up my quarter square triangle units. 

I also used the corner pop ruler to trim the wings from my corner triangle blocks. 

And went back to the tucker trimmer one more time to clean up the half square triangles in my four patch corner blocks. 

It it was nice to have the lines on the ruler match up perfect with the angles in my units.

It made trimming super easy and quick.

I was so in the zone with this project that I didn't take a lot of pictures of my process, 

but let me tell you I love this mini Oliso iron!  I ironed the whole quilt top with it. It sits right by my machine and was my perfect companion.  

I did use my big Oliso for the backing, but my mini Oliso was the MVP for this project.  

Pressing nice crisp seams helped everything line up for perfect points!

It was also time to change out my needle for this project.  During my last project I hit a couple pins so I definitely needed a new needle for this project.  I put in a new Schmetz 90/14 universal needle and everything sewed out fantastic!

This is a big quilt.  The blocks are 12 inches and I have five across and six down.  With the borders it measures approximately 68 x 80 inches.

I love how bright and fun this quilt it.  The fabrics make these blocks shine!

I've enjoyed following along with this hop!  It is fun to see how everyone uses the same fabric in such different ways! There is one more project to show off tomorrow, so make sure to visit Brianna at Sew Cute and Quirky to finish up the hop, and double check the list below to make sure you didn't miss any posts during the week.

March 5:  Sew Preeti Quilts
March 6:  Quilting Gail
March 8:  Quilted Delights

And keep an eye on my fellow Island Batik Ambassadors, they will be posting their March projects all this month!  Check out the Lumin Fabrics website for a link to all Ambassadors.

Thanks for stopping by and Happy Sewing!


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Check me out on YouTube.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Runner Up - Island Batik Blog Hop


Welcome to week two of the Runner Up Blog Hop by Island Batik!

Be sure to read to the end for Island Batik Giveaway info and a new twist on the Island Batik Ambassador Monthly Challenges.

This month Island Batik Ambassadors were asked to make a table or bed runner out of the newest Island Batik collections coming to stores this month.  

We were also asked to use one of the Studio 180 Design Rulers.

I got to play with Forest Flora, an Island Batik Collection by Deb Tucker of Studio 180 Designs.

And the ruler I was sent was the Corner Pop III.  This ruler adds corners that are three times as tall as their base. It was fun to come up with a design to fit these shapes.

I was sent the whole collection of fabric, but I only ended up using eight of the prints along with the Island Batik Foundation print called Doughnut.

I created my design and cut out all my shapes.

It's fun to know this stack of shapes turned into a fabulous table runner!

I used the Corner Pop III to cut my oversized triangles and to trim my main block.

We were also encouraged to use other Studio 180 Design Rulers if we had them so I did.

I used the Square Squared for my block Center.

I used the Wing Clipper to trim up some flying geese.

And I used the Tucker Trimmer to clean up some half square triangles.

With the units trimmed up so nicely, my main block came together perfectly.  

I used the Corner Pop III to trim off two sides.

and added the first set of oversized triangles.

Then I trimmed it again with the Corner Pop III, this time for 1 x 3 inch triangles.

That gave me the finished block for my runner.  I do have mirror image blocks to create the zig zag effect, So I had to pay attention to which way my corners were poppin'.

The new mini M3Pro Oliso Iron helped keep my blocks nice and crisp.
I love this iron! It is my new favorite thing in my sewing room!

This iron gets hotter than my older mini iron and I used it for pressing everything in this project, even the long seams.

I had the perfect size of Hobbs Heirloom Premium Wool Batting left over from another project and used it in this runner. 

 I read that wool batting doesn't leave fold marks, that will be perfect as I have the runner on my table for now, but will eventually fold it up and put away till next fall.  

I had a fun spool of variegated 40 weight thread from Aurifil for the quilting.  It had all the shades of the fabric, plus a wee bit of blue.  It turned out fantastic!

And of course, everything was sewn and quilted with a Schmetz Needle.  This time I used a 90/14 for both.

She is also playing with Forest Flora today, and a Studio 180 Design Ruler!

And you can see the full list of posts here on the Island Batik Blog Post.

And visit the Island Batik Week 1 recap Blog post to enter their giveway.  They are giving away two fabric bundles!   One is the Forest Flora line I got to play with!  

Click the image for Giveaway info.

This year,  Island Batik is hosting a Viewers Choice for all Island Batik Ambassador Challenges each month, with prizes! Starting with the February Runners, you all get to vote for your favorite project.  At the end of the month, Island Batik will have a page of all the projects and voting will open and you can vote for your favorite.  The winning project will receive a prize and one random voter will also receive a prize!  So make sure you visit all the Island Batik Ambassadors this month to find your favorite Runner and get in the drawing to win a prize yourself! 

You can see more details on Island Batik Facebook page:

Thanks for stopping by and Happy Sewing!


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Check me out on YouTube.